Woohoo! 221.4 this morning. I’m on my way. Monday I start my liquid diet. I hope I lose a lot these two weeks!

LOSING IT - WEIGHT THAT IS!! The ramblings of a 59 year old former addict, compulsive overeater, and former runner who is striving to become healthy despite my numerous illnesses including fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, pernicious anemia, anxiety, depression and chronic fatigue. I would love to have you join me on my adventure!
Saturday, October 19, 2024
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Bariatric Surgery
Wow! Long time …no see!
I have finally bit the bullet and I’m having weight loss surgery on November 11, 2024. I’m really excited. I have done lots of research and am fully convinced this is what I should do.
I have had psyche eval. Had EGD. Met with pulmonary and heart doctor. Met with GP. Everyone says I am a good candidate for this surgery.
I have talked to many others who have done this and they did well. Of course there could be complications with any surgery. But I’ve had lots of surgeries with little complications.
I am having the gastric bypass. I have bad reflux and was not a candidate for the sleeve. The GB will cure my reflux that say. Let’s hope so!!
if you pray, please pray for me, the doctors, nurses, etc.
Make it a great day!
Jesus loves this girl!
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Haven’t been here in a while!
Sep 14, 2020 at 8:19 PM
I have decided to start writing again. Don’t know what about. Life I guess. My life sucks right now! This blog is basically for me but if someone else reads it that’s okay. Not going to write much today. I’ll be back soon.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
I still haven’t lost the weight! In fact I am bigger than I have ever been!!!! So maybe I should change the name of this blog.
I will write about my life. Writing is very therapeutic for me. I am currently on my cell phone so I won’t write much tonight. I will update again tomorrow. Blessings to all!