I have my fourth St. Jude Half Marathon this Saturday and I hope it won't be too hard since I am a little heavier than before. You would think with three HMs coming up I would be more health conscious but that is not what is happening I am afraid. This compulsive overeating is about to get the best of me. And it doesn't help that I live with a compulsive over eater that is in severe denial as well! But I can't blame him. I make my own choices and I can chose to do right even when he doesn't. So far that is NOT what I have done!!!
I can't seem to find any consistency with my healthy eating and my weight loss. I do okay for a while then revert back to my unhealthy habits. I don't know what I need to do.
- Get real?
- Get serious?
- Get drunk???? (just kidding - not gonna throw away 21 years of sobriety over this food issue)
- I have not been running much.
- I have not been eating healthy.
- I have not been going to my OA meetings.
- I have not been going to my AA meetings.
- Standing up
- With a smile on my face
- And wanting to do it all again!!!