It's Monday AGAIN! I ran last Tuesday for 4 miles - actually I ran for three and then walked with some friends for the last mile. It was fun. Why do I keep saying that??? It's always fun! It may not seem so at the start but I always end up feeling great afterwards! My group run this past Sat was 4.5 miles and we ended our run with a pancake breakfast for the Kiwana's club. It was fun. We ran a new route and I loved that. I enjoy finding new places to run. There are not many in my town.
My SIL did not show up for the run...hummmm.... after talking with her she said she has hurt her knee somehow so she will sit out for a few days. Rest is always good as long as we get back out there before too long. I struggle with trying to do too much too soon. I have had to hold myself back lots of times when I wanted to try and keep up with the person next to me. I got good advice one time - run YOUR OWN race! I can go at my own speed and run it however I feel comfortable with. I don't have to keep up with anyone else. And Jeff Galloway confirmed something for me - whether you run 20 miles fast or 20 miles slow, you have still run 20 miles. The conditioning is the same. So why try to knock myself out with speed when a slow steady pace is just as good! What a awesome idea and I believe that is what keeps me so excited about my running. I am only competing against myself and no one else. I am doing this for ME! Sure, one day I want to be a little faster but that will come with time (and more weight loss). So I am going to enjoy this ride for however long it lasts. And getting other people to enjoy it with me is even more fun! I know what it feels like to realize that I CAN get off that cough and move. Getting others to realize that too makes for an exciting journey. I get great joy from my running and if I can share that with others, that is so cool!
At the moment I am fighting a sinus infection but it is not bad. Will probably go away after a day or so. I am still losing weight. Yippee!! It is coming off slowly but it is coming off. I am down 12.3 pounds this year so far (5.8%). I have learning to enjoy every loss no matter how small and not to stress because I don't have "biggest loser" numbers each week. Any loss is better than a gain. I have finally gotten under 200 pounds, which I have done on several occasions though, I just need to stay there and keep going in the right direction. And I will. I have confidence in myself today.
My recovery meetings are going great. I missed two weeks of meetings and I could tell - not that anything bad happened but I missed sharing with my recovery friends about how my life was going and I missed hearing about theirs as well. It is go great to know that I am not alone in this journey. When I was struggling with my alcohol and drug addiction, I though I was the only one with this problem. Getting into recovery I realized that I was NOT alone and that others could relate to my problem.
The same goes for my compulsive overeating. I have friends who understand the pull that food has on my life and they are there to listen to me cry, laugh, and complain. They are willing to share their experience, strength and hope with me. It is so good to know I am not alone and I have people I can call when I think I am about to eat that whole bag of chips and seriously regret it later. It may sound silly to some, but to those of us who have this problem we understand how food seems to call our name and tempt us at every turn. And it is refreshing to have someone I can talk to about it. I look forward to Tuesdays with much excitment for two reasons - 1) My recovery meeting and 2) Biggest Loser comes on! I am finally making some progress in this weight lose game and it is exciting and fun! I love when my recovery firiends share my excitment with me after losing weight and I also love how they spur me on even when I don't lose weight! Just showing up at the meeting is important whether I have lost or not! My goal is to feel good, be healthy, and stay active. Weight loss is not even in that equation but it will be the end results I am sure.
Today I can honestly say, life is grand!
MAKE it a great day my friends!
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