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Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 4 - I ran today first time in three weeks and I liked it!!!

I'm back! I'm back! Hope I'm not speaking too soon. I ran 2.5 miles today and did ok. I have had to lay low because of an injury. Don't ask what kind because I don't know. It was a pulled tendon, muscle, or something beside my knee. But I am glad I survived!! lol 

On another note, I am doing better with my food as well. I don't have my calorie count for today totaled yet but I know it is gonna be ok. The Sean Anderson blog I am reading has really got me thinking about ME and how I should put ME first and I am important to ME and worth all the effort it takes to get this weight down!!! I REALLY AM WORTH IT! I don't have 505 pounds to lose like Sean did abut every pound is just as important to me as his was to him! 

Today has been a good day - even at my new job! There are lots of things to learn The last time I made an appointment for a patient all you needed was a pencil and an appointment book. Wow!! Have things changed!! But it's all good. 

And another blessing - my brother and his wife came to church this past Sunday. I have been praying for them for a while now and I have others praying as well. It is so awesome to watch God do what ONLY HE CAN DO!! 

I hate to be short and sweet on this, my 4th day of my new beginning at losing weight, but I still have to shower and total my calories, upload my body bugg, etc. and hopefully get some much needed sleep. I did not sleep well at all last night! I hate watching the clock all night long. I think maybe I was keyed up a little about it being my first day at work without my backup, Jamie, there with me. But it was good. There are a lot of wonderful ladies there and they all made me feel right at home!! 

Have a great night friends and remember - YOU ARE WORTH IT!

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