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Monday, January 4, 2010

Sobriety Dates

My sobriety date for stopping drugs and alcohol is September 25, 1991. My sobriety date for nicotine is 1994 (don't know exact day).

My 12-step plan for being drug and alcohol free has worked for over 18 years. Why not apply that to my compulsive overeating? sobriety date for freedom from compulisve overeating is JANUARY 4, 2010.

I will probably attend overeaters anonymous for moral support and get back on SparkPeople like I used to be. (I stopped logging my food). And of course I will continue with my running.

Now for the negative aspect of this blog. I had to go downstairs to take some paperwork. If I use the stairs, which I have done for the past 5 years, I pass the patient accounting office where their door is always open and food is always on the table. I look at it all the time. I did that this morning and saw what looked like chocolate brownies! I am mad that I can't eat them. I am mad that I can't eat like "normal" people. But I wil also get over it. And it WILL NOT KILL ME IF I DON'T EAT A BROWNIE!!! In order to not see that food I could take the elevator which would not take me past their office. I always take the stairs for the exercise, which isn't much because I only go downstairs once or twice a day. So I think I will start taking the elevator for my own sanity.
I am thinking about posting every time I am tempted and that could be a lot!  :)

MAKE it a great day my friends!

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